About DevRel Diaries

Who are we?

We are DevRel Professionals just like you. We are passionate about Developer Relations as well as the health and happiness of others. We want to normalise discussing mental health and wellness within DevRel communities so we’ve started this experiment to do just that.

We’re not entirely certain where this will lead, but as a first step we wanted to provide a platform where DevRel professionals can share their stories about Mental Health in DevRel. We hope that this will help others feel more comfortable sharing their own stories and experiences.

This project is carefully and lovingly created and curated by

  • Rain Leander web twitter
  • David G. Simmons web twitter

How to submit your story

We’re trying to make this as easy as possible. Please see the instructions for submitting your story. You can submit your story anonymously as well, if that’s what you prefer.

Words of wisdom

You’ll notice on our main page that we have some small items containing “words of wisdom”. These are quotes from people who have been kind enough to share their thoughts with us. We hope that you’ll find them helpful, and that they’ll inspire you to share your story.

How to submit a quote

We’d love to hear from you. If you have a quote that you think would be helpful to others, please submit it here. If you’re unsure how the submission process works, please see the instructions for submitting a quote which are, essentially, the same as for submitting a story.

Get in touch

Contribute your story!