Contribute to DevRel Diaries

What we’re looking for

Your story is whatever you want it to be. Whatever you’ve experienced. This site is about your lived experience with mental health in Devrel. Some basic ideas:

  • Have you experienced a mental health crisis? We’d love to hear about what happened, and how you dealt with it.
  • Have you experienced a mental health crisis and not dealt with it? We’d love to hear about that too.
  • Have you experienced a mental health crisis and dealt with it in a way that you think others could benefit from? We’d love to hear the story around that.
  • Have you experienced discrimination, or worked in a low-trust environment because of your mental health issues? Tell us about that, how it affected you, and how you dealt with it.

Really, we are interested in hearing your stories about any aspect of mental health, mental wellness, self-care and self-awareness, and how it relates to DevRel. We want to help alleviate the stigma of mental health issues in tech. We hope to show others that it’s ok to talk about it, and that they are not alone in their struggles.

You never know the impact your story, your life experience, can have on someone. What to you was a trivial ‘aha!’ moment, could be a life-changing revelation for someone else.

How this works

We recognize that sharing a personal story, especially about mental health, can be a difficult thing to do. So we’ve created a process that we hope will make it easier for you by giving you the option to contribute either with your name or anonymously. We want you to feel safe sharing your story.

Below are the instructions for the two best ways to contribute your story. If neither of these work for you, please reach out to us and let’s work together to find something that works.

The very first thing is to make sure you’re aware of, and agree to, our Code of Conduct and our Privacy Policy. We take these very seriously. You should too.

Contributing anonymously

If you’d like to contribute your story anonymously (or if you just don’t want to hassle with GitHub), you can use the editor we have provided. There are some required fields, and some optional fields. The required fields are:

  • Title - This is the title of your story. It will be displayed on the main page, and in the story itself.
  • Description - This is a short description of your story. It will be displayed on the main page, as a sub-heading
  • Name or Pseudonym - You can use your own name, or a made-up pseudonym. Whichever makes you most comfortable. Do not use your real name if you don’t want it shown publicly. Do not use a pseudonym that mimics someone else’s name, or that is offensive or otherwise inappropriate.
  • Tags - These are the tags that will be used to categorize your story. Simply type whatever tag you want, followed by a , and your tag will be added. Please make sure it is appropriate. We reserve the right to remove any tags that we feel are inappropriate.
  • Header Image - This is the image that will be displayed on the main page, and in the story itself. The header image on your story will be displayed like the header images on this and other pages here, so try to format it appropriately. The image you choose will be shown, slightly reduced in size, directly below the field once you’ve chosen it. If you don’t like the way it looks, you can click the X button to remove it and choose another image.
  • Caption - This is the caption that will be displayed with your header image. It will be displayed like the caption on this and other pages here, and you can include basic HTML like <a> </a> tags in case you want to use unsplash for images like we do.

There are some optional fields as well:

  • Email Address - If you include your email address it will be linked in your story, so that people can contact you if they have questions. We will not use your email address for any other purpose. Please note that if you are submitting your story anonymously, but use your real email address, pepole will be able to see your email address. If you don’t want that, please use an anonymized email address.
  • Twitter Handle - If you include your Twitter handle it will be linked in your story. Please note that if you are submitting your story anonymously, but use your real Twitter handle, pepole will be able to see your Twitter handle. If you don’t want that, please use an anonymized Twitter handle.
  • Website - If you want your story linked back to your website, you can include it here. Please note that if you are submitting your story anonymously, but use your real website, pepole will be able to see your website. If you don’t want that, please use an anonymized website.
  • Avatar - If you want to include an avatar with your story, you can upload it here. The avatar will be displayed on the main page, and in the story itself.

Editing your story

Once you’ve filled out the required fields you can begin writing your story. The editor is a Markdown editor, so you can use Markdown to format your story. If you want to include images in your story, you can either link to the externale source using ![alt text]( or you can upload the image to your story using the Choose File button above the editor. When you select a local file in this way it will be uplaoded to our server, and a thumbnail-sized version will be displayed on the page. To include the image in your story, place the cursor where you want the image inserted and click the Use image checkbox next to the image. You will see the Markdown code for the image inserted at the cursor location. You can then edit the Markdown code to include the alt text you want to use. If you want to remove the image from your story, click the X button next to the image. Clicking the preview button will show you what your story will look like when it is published, including any images you’ve included.

Publishing your story will look something like this:

Submitting your story

Once you’re done editing your story, you can submit it by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Before you are able to click the Submit button you must confirm that you agree to the Code of Conduct and our Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree, you can’t submit your story. Once you click the Submit button, your story will be submitted for review. We will review your story and publish it as soon as we can. If we have any questions or concerns we will reach out to you (if possible) and work with you to resolve them. If we can’t reach you, we may have to remove your story. We’ll also share it on our social media channels. @DevRelDiaries on Twitter.

Contributing using GitHub

If you don’t want to be anonymous, you can simply clone the repository for this site at DevrelDiaries on GitHub, write your story in markdown, and submit a pull request. We’ll review it and publish it.

Writing your story

Create a new directory in the content/posts directory using the title of your story (by convention, we suggest using the title of your story, all lower-case, with spaces replaced by -s. If your story will be called “My great story” you’d create a directory content/posts/my-great-story/ Start a new file in this directory called . Add the following to the top of the file:

title: <span class='text-span'>My</span> great Story
date: 2022-10-04
image: posts/my-great-story/images/header-my-header-image.jpg
image_caption: On Camera!
description: A new one
author: Hank
author_twitter: hank
author_avatar: /posts/my-great-story/images/avatar-your-avatar.png
tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]

Create a new directory in your content/posts/my-great-story/ directory called images. Upload your header image to this directory, and name it header-your-image-name.jpg. Upload your avatar image to this directory, and name it avatar-my-avatar.png. Edit the file you created earlier, and add your story. When you’re done, submit a pull request.

Optional fields

  • author_email - If you include your email address it will be linked in your story, so that people can contact you if they have questions. We will not use your email address for any other purpose. Please note that if you are submitting your story anonymously, but use your real email address, pepole will be able to see your email address. If you don’t want that, please use an anonymized email address.
  • author_twitter - If you include your Twitter handle it will be linked in your story. Please note that if you are submitting your story anonymously, but use your real Twitter handle, pepole will be able to see your Twitter handle. If you don’t want that, please use an anonymized Twitter handle.
  • author_website - If you want your story linked back to your website, you can include it here. Please note that if you are submitting your story anonymously, but use your real website, pepole will be able to see your website. If you don’t want that, please use an anonymized website.

Get in touch

Contribute your story!